Acoustic panels also come in the offices or in the canteen for the playful-decorative application. The chief attraction: The elements exist of acoustics components from pinta. In the stairwell room-high light sculptures pull the looks at themselves. Video installations and light installations strengthen this emotional sluice effect. In the entrance hall create a nearly 10 m long counter and along light canals running to the space an unreal space depth. If one approaches the building, this impression is cushioned softly – possibly by the plantation with bamboo shrubs or a water veil before the entrance ramp (in planning). Form and function provide the black cubes and (at night) the green lighting effects.

Massive qualities of the brand become like victory wills and performance strength (among other things by Feng Shui) consciously counterbalances by fluent aspects like team spirit. Space properties, manufactured from the products of the company, lend the aura of the uneveryday to the products and make the whole building the presentation area. The staging of the rooms, extreme perspectives, light tapes and multimedia installations move here so-called-like in the spell of the brand. The concept rests in the essentials on four columns: The matte black facade paint and green lighting effects define the 0815-construction around in a futuristic ensemble from cubes crossed into each other.Įntrances and crossings function after the sluice principle. Besides, particularly the facade might not be changed substantially. Idea and Concept – The challenge consisted above all in realising a unique architecture within the scope of a rented, quite usual trade real estate. Besides, the architect’s team put beside the elements space, light and paint straight on multimedia solutions and the unusual staging of the company products. The aim of Aigner Architecture was to produce the new company building near Munich as a heart of this philosophy – and to provide the corresponding values to customers, to employees and guests intuitively. This winner’s mentality rests on the brand values Dynamism, Future orientation, Performance strength, however, also – analogously to the sailing – on team spirit and communication.
Not free of charge there is Illbrucks credo “Desire to win”. His yacht won in 2002 with Volvo Ocean Race the hardest Around-the-world-Regatta of the world. The brand philosophy of the company is strongly stamped by the sailing engagement of the head of the company Michael Illbruck. The client Pinta Acoustic (formerly Illbruck Acoustic) belongs to the leading manufacturers of products for acoustics and technical sound insulation.

Aigner Architecture developed the offices of acoustics and sound insulation company Pinta Acoustic located in Munich, Germany.