Magical names that start with a
Magical names that start with a

  • Malachite: Malachite is an opaque green stone that is used in Magick to promote visionary powers and wealth by bringing hope to its possessor.
  • Mabon: The celebration of the autumnal equinox, it signals letting go of that which no longer serves you.
  • Litha: Celebration of the summer solstice, new beginnings and fertility.
  • The kikimora living in an inharmonious home spins flax at night with evil intentions for the world. When the home is in order, a kikimora will assist in care of the household however, if the home is not in order, she will break dishes and engage in destructive behavior throughout the night.
  • Juju: A lucky talisman, fetish, or charm (West African).
  • Name your kitty Jinx if you have a vermin population that needs to be eradicated.
  • Jinx: A Magick spell or enchantment that brings calamity.
  • Name your kitty Jade if you want a lucky talisman to aid you in gaining friendships and amassing great wealth. Green jade is used for calming and soothing, while red jade promotes friendships and prosperity.
  • Jade: Jade is a stone used in Magick for healing and protection.
  • In order to get the attention they crave, they pester the human who either takes them in or drives them away in annoyance. Typically, they are perceived as lonely creatures in search of a friend.
  • Imp: From German folklore, imps are small goblins with mischievous natures that like to play pranks and practical jokes on their human friends.
  • As a verb, hex means to spellbind, allure, beguile, or tickle to death!
  • Heka: The Egyptian magical system (the deification of magic and medicine) in ancient Egypt, and the phonetic spelling of the German word for witch ( hexe).
  • magical names that start with a

  • Harpy: Bird of prey with a woman's face.
  • A famous Grimoire is the Book of Shadows.

    #Magical names that start with a how to

    These spell books typically teach the magician how to create magical objects, summon spiritual beings of both positive and negative forces, and how to place charms and curses on individuals.

  • Grimoire: Pronounced “grim-war,” a book of magic spells.
  • In the middle ages, possession of a Grimalkin could be enough proof of an individual practicing witchcraft to get one burned at the stake.

    magical names that start with a

    Grimalkin or Greymalkin: An especially evil-looking female cat associated with witchcraft.Cult: A system of veneration directed toward a specific object or individual.Chant: Rhythmic psalm or incantation sung in unison by a crowd.Bane: Curse, Scourge, or poison that typically causes death e.g.

    magical names that start with a

    Cat Names From Wicca, Voodoo, and Sorcery

    Magical names that start with a